Crescent and Dove Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam by Qamar-ul Huda, ed. (Preface by HRH Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal) (Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 2010. pbk. 336)

Main Article Content

Sadek Hamid



What can be learned from Islamic teachings on questions of nonviolence
and peace building? Quite a lot according to the contributors of this new
collection of essays from Muslim theologians, academics, and peace activists.
This is a timely contribution to the nascent field of Islamically in spired peacemaking and conflict-resolution studies, offering both intellectual
and practical applications for those interested in engaging this difficult
but important task. The volume is divided in to two sections and contains
ten chapters. Part one presents theoretical discussions, which contextualize
notions of peace and conflict resolution from Islamic textual sources
and analyses the concepts of peace, jihad, war, and martyrdom within the
Islamic tradition. The second part is more empirical and profiles case studies
from human-rights activists, peacemaking organizations, and the work
of prominent Islamic thinkers. It also has a glossary of conflict-resolution
terms and four appendixes, which provide useful resources. This volume
address three areas: the ethics of violence in Islam, nonviolence in the Islamic
tradition, and contemporary efforts at Islamic peacemaking ...

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