Journey into America The Challenge of Islam by Akbar Ahmed (Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2010. hbk. 528 pages)

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Manata Hashemi



Akbar Ahmed’s latest book, Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam,
has become one of the first comprehensive ethnographic studies of the
Muslim community in America. Ahmed and his team of young researchers
offer a keen anthropological analysis of American Muslims that spans over
seventy-five cities, one hundred mosques, and two thousand interviews.
A modern-day version of Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America,
Journey into America charts the various historical, social, and ideological
trajectories that have shaped both American and Muslim identities. As
such, the work represents one of the first post-9/11 sociological commentaries
that attempt to define the nature of American Muslim identity and the
possibilities for its reevaluation. Over the course of nine chapters, Ahmed
lays out for a general audience the groundwork for precisely such an
endeavor ...

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