After Khomeini Iran under His Successors By Said Amir Arjomand (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009. 268 pages.)

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Afshin Hojati



Drawing on the sociology of revolution, Arjomand’s book is set on
explaining the political developments of Iran and its rollercoaster-like
domestic and foreign policy realities during the past two decades. According
to the author, the greatest misconception about post-revolutionary Iran is
the notion that the revolution ended with the establishment of a “Brintonian”
Thermidor through the rise to power of the pragmatist president
Hashemi-Rafsanjani (1989-97) and/or the reformist president Khatami
(1997-2005). In contrast, “this book argues that the Islamic revolution did
not end with Khomeini’s death and that there was no return to ‘normalcy’
the day after. Massive revolutionary violence abated while the revolution
continued” (p. 5) ...

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