Miss USA 2010, Muslim American Cyber-Discourse, and the Question of Exhaustion

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Janan Delgado



On 16 May 2010, NBC Universal and Donald Trump gave the Muslim
American community its first Muslim Miss USA.1 Upon finding out the
basics – Rima Fakih is of Lebanese Shi`ite origin and represented Michigan
at the beauty pageant – many began to wonder what the appropriate
response should be: a “Thank you, Mr. Trump” and befitting celebrations, a
“No thank you, Mr. Trump” and its share of condemnation, or an ambivalent
“something in between.” In this essay I discuss some of the considerations
that made the third option a highly favored one among young voices
on the Muslim American blogosphere. I argue that their articulation of this
position shows significant trends in the development of a young Muslim
American cyber-discourse, and that these trends cannot be fully understood
without paying due attention to a shared sense of exhaustion among young
Muslim Americans today ...

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