Freudian Fraud The Malignant Effect of Freud's Theory on American Thought and Culture by E. Fuller Torrey, Harper Collins, 1992, 362 pp.

Main Article Content

Shafiq F. Alawneh



Freudian Fraud can be categorized in the field of granular psychology and
general education. Containing ten chapters, it addresses a varied audience: psychologists,
educators, physicians, journalists, priests, and preachers. Chapter one lays out the basics of Freud’s theory, the immigration of the theory
to America, and the characteristics of Freud himself: his relationship with
sexual freedom, social reform, his orientation toward fame and cocaine, and his
strong belief in occultism. Chapter two discusses the nature-nurture debate and
the issues of immigration and race in America during his time.
Chapter three concentrates on the efforts of Margaret Mead and Ruth
Benedict in popularizing sexual freedom, including bisexuality, homosexuality,
and lesbianism. In chapter four, the author shows how Freud and Marx
joined forces in order to stand against Hitler’s resolution of the nature-nurture
debate. Chapter five pictures the shining days of Freud in America after the
postwar propagation of his faith. It shows how Freud became the star of stage,
screen, and radio.
Chapters six, seven, and eight deal with Freud’s effect on American life-in
nurseries, schools, jails, and prisons as well as among the intellectual elite, in
political parties, mental health centers, universities, and the publishing and film
Chapter nine presents an indepth discussion of the scientific bases of
Freudian theory and challenges these bases, especially after the evidence for
genetic determinants of personality had been well-established. It presents
Freud’s credits and debits. The chapter ends with a discussion of Freud’s theory
as a religion.
Freud’s central theory revolves around the idea that early childhood experiences
and practices (especially those related to the mother) are very crucial in
determining the adult personality later. According to Freud, the core of those
experiences is that of sexual development. In addition to his interest in sex,
Freud was interested in fame, occultism, and cocaine. Nevertheless, in the
beginning of the twentieth century most Americans were introduced to Freud
as an apostle of sexual freedom (p. 13). The author contests that this achievement
is a major asset of Freud‘s effect on American life (p. 257).
Journalists, social reformers, physicians, and anthropologists contributed to
the popularization of Freud‘s ideas. Some of the well-known names are
Abraham Brill, the first psychoanalyst in New York; Max Easman, editor of
the Masses; Walter Lippman, a famous political analyst; Mable Dodge, a wellknown
businesswoman; and Margaret Mead and Ruth Benedict, the renowned
anthropologists ...

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