21st Century and the Birth of the United Nations of Islam By Jawed Ul Haq Siddiqui. Pakistan, Karachi: USI Publications, 303 pp.

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Alaa M. Bayoumi



This book studies the posibilities, objectives, characteristics, and advantages
of the unity of Muslim nation in the foreseeable future. The author, Jawed UI
Haq Siddiqui, deals with the various dimensions and functions of this aspired
unity and offers an ambitious institutional scenario for its attainment. Its dominant
feature is the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Unity (OIU),
which will replace or reconstruct the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).
The OIU will work to establish various institutions and processes of unification
by the year 2000, ullimately to establish the United States of Islam (USI) by the
year 2010.
The birth of the USI will result by accumulating different processes of unification
undertaken by Muslim nations from now until the year 2010. USI's confederation
will be open for membership to all Muslim states. ln order to join, Muslim states must sign on to at least one of the basic points of confederation.
The basic points are the following: ...

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