City of Stones Hidden History of Jerusalem by Meron Benvenisti. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1996, 283 pp.

Main Article Content

Hasan Langgulung



This book is a political and historical study of the holy city of Jerusalem and
its periods from the biblical era to the present. Beginning with a discussion of
the contrasting versions of Jerusalem’s history presented by Palestinian Arabs
and Israeli Jews, the author goes on to examine the way the radically opposed
goals and aspirations of both sides results in conflicts. The author concludes that
the stalemate over Jerusalem’s future is a “condition” that can be dealt with only
by a “process oriented” and not “solution oriented” approach. The participants
must deal with the problems caused by the existing conditions. This book represents
a dissenting Israeli view of the problem.
Meron Benvenisti, a former deputy mayor of Jerusalem whose authority
included the administration of the eastern side of Jerusalem and the Old City, is
highly qualified to write an unfalsified history of the Holy City.
In his book Ciry ofstone, the author tried his best to demonstrate multisided
historical, demographic, cultural, religious, and political opinions, together with
the citizen’s feelings, without victors or vanquished.
As I read the eight chapters of this precious book, I found that some issues
needed clarification. and some questions needed answers ...

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