The Fifth International Symposium of the History of Arab Science El Carmen de los Martires Granada, Spain Ramadan 26-Shawwal 1, 1412/March 30-April 4, 1992

Main Article Content

George Saliba



In the context of the five-hundred-year anniversary celebrations of the
"discovery of the New World" now going on in the United States and
Spain, the Syrian Institute for the History of Science (Aleppo University,
Aleppo, Syria), organized the Fifth International Symposium of the History
of Arab Science in conjunction with the lnstituto de Cooperaci6n con
el Mundo Arabe (Institute of Cooperation with the Arab World, the Foreign
Ministry of Spain). The theme of the conference, which dealt with
the contribution of al Andalus (i.e., Muslim Spain) to the history of
science and teclmology, was the obvious reason for this international cooperation
between the agencies of Syria and Spain.
The contribution of al Andalus in the realms of science and technology
to both Muslim and European countries is undeniably important
in its own right and should be investigated by similar symposia, not only
in Spain or Muslim countries. It was, however, ironic that the fivehundred-
year anniversary celebrations of the "discovery of the New
World" coincided with the expulsion of Muslims from Spain after the reconquista,
not to mention the fact that the "New World" had already been
discovered thousands of years before Columbus by the native Americans ...

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