Imam al Tirmidhi and the Modern Age An International Conference Tashkent, Uzbekistan, USSR Safar 24-27, 1411/September 14-17, 1990

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Mufti M.Y.M. Yusuf



The Muslim Religious Board for Central Asia and Kazakhstan organized
an international conference in Tashkent, the capital city of Uzbekistan, in
connection with the observances of the twelfth centenary of the birth of Imam
Abu 'Isa Muhammad Ibn 'Isa al Tirmidhi, a native son. The conference was
attended by scholars from the Soviet Union and nearly 100 delegates from
The keynote address, which was also the conference's theme, was delivered
The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences Vol. 8, No. 1 1991 185
by the Board's Chairman Mufti Muhanunad Sadyq Muhammad Yusuf. He
presented a detailed account of the Imam's work, e pecially the well-known
book Al Jami' al Sahih, and its impact on the contemporary world.
The scholars stressed the need for greater attention to research and study
of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAAS). They also adopted a number
of recommendations, including a call for greater attention to research on the
hadith in order to facilitate its effective application in the everyday lives of
Muslims. This, it was observed, would contribute toward the assertion and
developoment of Islamic values throughout the ummah ...

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