The 4th International Conference On Islamization Of Knowledge (Khartoum, Sudan)

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Sayyid M. Syeed



The Fourth International Conference on Islamization of Knowledge,
sponsored by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, was held in collaboration
with the University of Khartoum January 15-20, 1987. The theme
of the conference was “Methodology of Research, Behavioral Sciences and
Education.” The call for papers was published in the American Jouml of
Islamic Social Sciences in July, 1984 and the invitations were circulated widely
among Muslim scholars. It was in response to these calls that abstracts were
received and finally selected on the basis of their relevance and quality.
The conference was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of the Sudan, Mr.
al Sayyid al Sadiq al Mahdi. Thirty-seven research papers were presented by
foreign, as well as local Sudanese scholars. The subjects included
methodology, epistomology , education, psychology, sociology, and anthropology.
The conference proved to be an historic event, especially in terms
of the participation of large numbers of local scholars, teachers, students and
other interested Muslims.
Each presentation was followed by lively discussions and critiques. The
extraordinary interest shown by the Sudanese Muslims regarding the issues of
the Islamization of Knowledge, was evidence of this nation’s commitment to
the process of Islamization. The director of the Friendship Hall announced at
the final session that the conference had attracted the largest crowd ever at the
auditorium. In addition, the lobbies, the offices and the grounds around the
auditorium were all crowded and the loud speakers had to be opened
The following are the titles of some of the research papers presented:

1. The Problems of Methodology in Islamic Thought

‘Abdul Hamid ’AbuSulayman
2. Reason and Its Role in the Islamic Methodology

Taha Jabir Al-‘Alwani
3. Methodology of the Classification of Sciences in the Islamic Thought
‘Abdul Majid Al Najjar ...

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