Mobilization Of Resources For Development

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A. H. M. Sadeq



The employment of resources is important for any aspect of the spectrum
of overall development, be it economic or non-economic, spiritual or material.
Although spiritual matters seem to be noneconomic in nature, their inculcation
and development involve the use of resources. Hence, Allah (SWT) instructs
mankind to invest in the development of spiritual values. The spread and
establishment of Islam require travelling, dissemination of knowledge,
education, publication of literatw~u, se of media, protecton of Islamic societies
from non-Islamic forces (i.e. internal and external defense), administration
of institutions intended for the implementation of Islamic obligations and
norms, and the like. Each of these functions requires tremendous amounts
of material and human resources.
Economic development comprises two essential components: economic
growth and equity in the distribution of income and wealth. Economic growth
requires investable resources for producing capital goods, hiring workers and
managers, acquiring raw materials, improving technology, and organizing
the production process. In particular, capital formation and technological
change have been considered as key factors in economic development; the
availability of adequate investable resources is a prerequisite for the smooth
supply and use of these factors.
The Islamic code of life provides enormous incentives for mobilizing
resources, both material and human, and an institutional framework conducive
to efficient use of resources for development. This paper, which concentrates
on mobilizing resources for development, discusses natural, human and
financial resources, as well as the role of government and internal and external
institutions in the development process ...

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