The History of Islam New Directions

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Fathi Osman



History is very important from the ideological and educational standpoint
in addition to its importance as a discipline of knowledge and as information.
The Qur’an teaches us, “Indeed in the stories of these men, there is a lesson
for those who can think.” [12:111] Educationally, then, for the new generations
and ideologically for those who are committed to Islam as a way of life,
it is very important to get the message of history which enlightens us in dealing
with contemporary circumstances.
Some introductory remarks
Is it more correct to say Islamic history or Muslim history?
Each description has its pros and cons. When you say “Islamic
history“ you care more about commitment to Islam and
assessment accoding to Islamic criteria, since not everythtng
which happened in the past or happens at present on the
Islamic scene can really be considered Islamic. Historical
events should be evaluated under such a term according to
Islam whether they are social, cultural, political or economic.
What may be positive in terms of a historical development
or very important as a mere material accomplishment may
or may not be something important from the viewpoint of
Islam. Suppose that we have a very magnificent tomb made
by Muslims, would you consider this Islamic or not?
Calling our history “Muslim history“ may draw a line between
human behavior and Islam itself. History represents the
outcome of Muslim practices and each can be evaluated
amrdmg to Islam. It is just a development of Muslim thinking
and behavior- Muslim interaction with other human universal
effects. Muslim history is the product of Muslims as human ...

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