Guiding Light Selections from the Holy Qur'an

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'AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman



In the name of Allah, most benevolent, ever-merciful.
Generations before you
We destroyed when they
Did wrong: their Apostles
Came to them with Clear Signs,
But they would not believe!
Thus do We requite
Those who sin! Surah X:13

Now such were their houses, -
In utter ruin,-because
They practised wrong-doing.
Verily in this is a Sign
For people of knowledge.
And We saved those
Righteousness~ Surah XXVII:52-53

We have revealed for you
(O men!) a book in which Is a Message for you:
Will ye not then understand?

How many were the populations we utterly destoryed because 
Of their iniquities, setting up
In their places other peoples? Surah XXI:10-11

Such were the populations
we destroyed when they
Commited iniquities; but 
we fixed an appointed time 
For their destruction.  Surah XVIII:59

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