Saṭwat al-Naṣ: Khiṭāb al-Azhar wa Azmat al-Ḥukm (By Basma Abdel Aziz)

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Muhammad Amasha


Al-Azhar, Ahmed al-Tayyeb, Ulama, Islam and politics, Arab Spring, Egypt, Critical Discourse Analysis


The academic literature on the ulama and the Arab uprisings has been strangely silent about al-Azhar and its shaykh Dr. Ahmad al-Tayyeb, with very few exceptions.  Though largely neglected (mostly because it is written in Arabic), Saṭwat al-Naṣ: Khiṭāb al-Azhar wa Azmat al-Ḥukm (The Power of the Text: Al-Azhar’s Discourse and the Rule Crisis) provides a valuable contribution to the literature in that regard, on the level of data, methods, and analysis.

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