Elements of a Prophetic Voice of Dissent and Engagement

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Ovamir Anjum



In your hands is another thematic issue of AJISS, one that consists of two main
contributions that address the Islamic tradition’s prohibition of the homosexual
act. Jonathan A. C. Brown’s essay analyzes the authenticity of pertinent hadith
traditions, whereas Mobeen Vaid’s essay explores the Qur’anic perspective.
Both articles had their origin in presentations by a number of scholars at a colloquium
held at the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT) in Herndon,
VA, on November 1-2, 2015. Although an earlier version of Vaid’s essay is
available online, its original intent and thematic complementarity with Brown’s
essay on hadith merit its inclusion here. Together, they make crucial contributions
to the scholarship that has reopened the question of how the Islamic scriptural
and jurisprudential traditions view this particular sexual practice. In the
same workshop, I presented my reflections on the stakes of the rise of new prohomosexual
(or at least neutral) laws and cultural formations for Muslim scholarship
as well as politics, which I share in a modified form in this editorial
essay. In keeping with this issue’s theme of sexual ethics, we also include David
Finn’s critical and extensive evaluation of Aysha Hidayatullah’s important Feminist
Edges of the Qur’an (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014) ...

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