The Quran and the Sunnah on the Civilization Value of Cleanliness

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AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman



In the name of Allah, Most Gracious,
Most Merciful.
1. And He it is Who sends
The Winds as heralds
Of glad tidings, going before
His Mercy, and We send down
Pure water from the sky.
Al Furqan (25:48)
2. Remember He covered you
With drowsiness,
To give you calm as from
Himself, and He caused
Rain to descend on you
From Heaven, to clean you
Therewith, to remove from you
The Stain of Satan,
To strengthen your hearts,
And to plant your feet
Firmly therewith.
Al Anfal (8:11)
3. O thou wrapped up
(In a mantle)!
Arise and deliver thy warning! 

And thy Lord

Do thou magnify!

And thy garments

Keep free from satin!

And all abomination shun!

Al Muddaththir (74:1-5)

4. O ye who believe!
when Ye Prepare
For prayer, wash
Your faces, and your hands
(And arms) to the elbows;
Rub your heads (with water); ...

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