Guiding Light Selections From the Holy Qur’an

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AbdulHamid A. AbuSulayman



In the name of A M , Most Gmcious,
Most Merciful.

1. O ye who believe
Shall I lead you
To a bargain that will
Save you from
A grievous Penalty? -
2. That ye believe in Allah
And His Messenger, and that
Ye strive (your utmost)
In the Cause of Allah,
With your property
And your persons:
That will be best for you.
If ye but knew.
Surah Al Saff (61:10-11)
3. Allah hath purchased of the Believers
Their persons and their goods;
For theirs (in return)
Is the Garden (of Paradise):
They fight in His Cause,
And slay and are slain:
A promise binding on Him
In Truth, through the Law,
The Gospel, and the Qur’an
And who is more faithful
To his Covenant than Allah?
Then rejoice in the bargain
Which ye have concluded:
That is the achievement supreme.
Surah Al Tawbah (9:111)
4. Ye shall certainly
Be tried and tested ...

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